<11 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Flux Pavilion: Bass Music Top Five


Flux Pavilion: Bass Music Top Five

As we hurtle closer and closer towards the end of another great year, it’s about time we asked one important Q: How’s bass music been looking in 2014?

From our perspective it’s been a creative playground; low end dynamics continue to worm their way into every possible genre from techno to disco while the rudimentary genres continue to mutate, evolve and surprise when conjured in the right hands.

Case in point: Flux Pavilion’s recent Freeway remix EP opus. Boasting conjurations from the likes of The Prototypes, Milo & Otis, Fox Stevenson, Odjbox, Kill Paris, Kill The Noise, Bro Safari, Out Run and many more, it covers more than the whole spectrum of bass music…

“Basically Kill The Noise hit me up about doing Freeway,” explains Flux. “So I just sent out the packs of parts to all my friends and favourites and just let whatever was gonna happen, happen. It was a free for all labour of love rather than a planned thing and they are all awesome.”

Speaking of awesome, Flux was keen to hype five key bass tracks he’s feeling right now. But before we digest his recommendations there are two crucial things we need to follow up. That incendiary Facebook post last month and the release of his album that we got very excited about earlier this year.

Flux Pavilion on THAT Facebook post…

“I was just getting some thoughts out there that I think about a lot. I only really discuss my opinions on things if I have lived with the discussion for a reasonable amount of time, and since the dawn of time haters gonna hate. I read something written by Soren Kierkegaard the other day talking about the psychology of why haters hate. He died in 1855 and had to deal with haters, so it’s been a discussion for many generations, I’m just weighing in my updated ideas relating to the fast paced social media tsunami we are caught up in.”

I read something written by Soren Kierkegaard the other day talking about the psychology of why haters hate. He died in 1855 and had to deal with haters, so it’s been a discussion for many generations.

Flux Pavilion on his long-awaited debut album… 

“It’s pretty close and pretty far. I have come to the point now of working out what tracks I’m gonna put on there, and finishing them all up. I’m hoping to have it wrapped by the end of the year and to hit the shelves sometime in 2015. It’s the Flux Pavilion you know and love in a way I haven’t tried before. It’s like Motown but in a rave.”

Motown in a rave. Let that combo of musical terms ruminate for a while as Flux shares his perspective on where  bass music is at right now and highlights five killer tunes…  

I can’t speak for anyone else but personally I am more inspired now than I have been in years,” he says. “I think it’s because everyone is so addicted to the idea of ‘what’s next’ I have just decided to step back from the argument, make the coolest shit I can, then step forwards again. There is as much freedom as there always has been if you choose to look at it that way.”

Flux’s Five:

 Seinabo Sey – Hard Time (Outrun Remix)

“Simply because it sounds like something new!”

 Laxx – Semi Auto

“Because it reminds me of what dubstep can be.”

 Yellow claw – Lick Dat

“Because this captures the energy that makes bass music exciting to me.”

 Rustie – Attak

“Because you can hear that he really loves and understands the music he writes, and that’s a very special and inspiring thing.”

Doctor P – Going Gorillas


“I have no doubt in the good doctor that his magic will/has change/d the world.”

Flux Pavilion will be taking over Ministry Of Sound on December 13 with Doctor P, Cookie Monsta, Funtcase, Dr Meaker and Diskord. More info.

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