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Dave Jenkins


Help Critical Music raise donations for food banks


Help Critical Music raise donations for food banks

?: Alastair Brookes


Critical Music are to initiate an excellent raving/giving project this week as they raise supplies for food banks in as many of the towns and cities they host events in across the UK.

Kicking off at their Critical Sound event in Laktoa, Bristol, this Friday January 17, the label has linked with the Trussell Trust organisation who run a network over 1200 food bank centres around the country. All they ask is if you can bring a donation to the dance where Kasra, Enei, Halogenix, T>I, Particle, Fade Black, Jakes, Carasel and Charli Brix will all be performing.

The donation bins will be outside the venue, so no worries about sticky security situations, and you can find out what type of products are best suited to donate on the Trussell Trust website. Food banks accept a range of both non-perishable packaged / tinned foods and other non-food based essentials such as toiletries and hygeine products. In the case of the Bristol event, they’ve highlighted particular foods such as vegetarian tinned meals, jam, custard and shampoo.

“We wanted to come up with a way to directly help the local communities in which we do our club events,” says label boss Kasra. “It’s a simple idea that we hope can make a bit of a difference. It’s not about the label itself making a statement just about given something to those less fortunate than ourselves and we are lucky enough to have amazing fans who from the reactions we have received really want to do something. If you can help out then please do. Thanks!”

The Trussell Trust is the largest food bank network in the UK and use of its services has risen year on year. Between March 2018/19 they provided 1.6 million food parcels to families and individuals experiencing poverty and crisis, a 19% rise from the year before. The organisation relies on community support and donations with the public providing 90% of the 11,000 tonnes of food they distributed to those in need each year. Visit their site for more information about the organistion and other ways you can help them.

As the Critical Music crew explain on their event page, there is no pressure for ticketholders to donate at all. But anything they can raise through the rave will be hugely appreciated and is sadly much needed in the UK right now. Find out more.

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