<3 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Koven get ready for biggest Let It Roll appearance to date


Koven get ready for biggest Let It Roll appearance to date

One week to go! Let It Roll is back to its full-size, full-strength, full-flavoured rave for the first time since 2019. The line-up smacks in all directions with the likes of Pendulum, Dimension, Hybrid Minds, Sub Focus, Wilkinson, Bou, A.M.C and many more drum & bass heavyweights set to headline.

Including none other than Koven who, as we reported last month, are one of two ambassadors of the festival this year alongside Teddy Killerz.

“It’s a real honour to be doing this,” Katie Koven exclaims. “It’s one of those festivals you aspire to just be booked for once in your career. Let alone do something on this level.”

As part of their ambassador role, Koven will be providing a track for the opening show. Very little about it has been revealed so far but they tell us it could just be their heaviest D&B track to date.

“It’s got real attitude,” grins Katie. “We’re very excited about it. When we wrote it we were like, ‘Wow! What have we done? It’s got that real rock energy. I can’t wait to see how people will react to it.”

Unfortunately neither of the duo will be on hand to see their music soundtrack the festival’s famous opening show where all 20,000 ravers in attendance gather to watch an impressive A/V robot sage roll out before their very senses.  This due to a booking in Canada. Rather than being disappointed, they can check it when a filmed video of the opening show is uploaded to UKF with the Koven track next month. Plus, as one of the most in-demand headline bass acts, Katie and Max accept it as life as their schedule becomes more and more hectic.

“I remember the first time we were booked  and being very grateful for them even considering us,” Katie reflects. “Fast forward a few years to be now being part of the opening ceremony. It’s just nuts! So many things are happening I have to sit back every day and say, ‘Is this even happening?’ It’s insane.”

It is happening. And it’s happening next week. While Koven won’t be present for the opening show, they will headlining the main mothership stage on the Saturday. “It’s mental,” says Katie who’s playing around 40 festivals this year. “It feels like a real staple moment. Never in my dreams would I have imagined this…”

For more information on Let It Roll, including line-up and last remaining tickets, visit their website. In the meantime, we asked Katie to take us back to her first Let It Roll experience three years ago to get a scope of just far they’ve come… And how quickly it’s all happened.

See you at the mothership.

Photo by Sophie Harbinson www.sophieharbinson.com


“2019 was our first year we played. I’ll never forget arriving and just thinking, ‘Wow’. The stages and the size of it all, and the attention to detail in the production. It’s the biggest D&B festival in the world!

“That year I did both the bus party and we played the Eve’s Garden stage later. I was quite run down that weekend anyway and I was starting to lose my voice. I knew I shouldn’t have sung on the bus and should have saved my voice but the vibes on the bus were wild so I had to sing!

“Anyway, after that I was hanging around the festival and it was really dry and dusty which didn’t do me any favours. It got to the point where I couldn’t have any more conversations because my voice was so close to breaking. By the time I came on at 1am my voice was terrible so said on the mic, ‘I’m sorry guys I’m not going to be able to sing’. I was gutted.

“Singing is such a big part of our sets, so I was worried there’d be an averse reaction. Especially in 2019 because it felt like we were trying to win people over. We didn’t have the following we have now, or have as many shows as we’re playing now. I was absolutely devastated. So I said ‘I’m sorry I can’t sing but I’m going to give you as much energy behind the decks as I can.’ And the roar from the crowd I got in return was immense. I think they could see I was gutted so they got right behind me and the crowd just got busier and busier with people spilling out of the tent. So that was beautiful. It ended up being one of my favourite sets for a very long time, and still a favourite now, and it’s all because of the crowd. If we get half that energy this time I’ll be very very happy…”

Follow Koven: Instagram / Facebook / Soundcloud

Follow Let It Roll: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter


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