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<9 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Playlist: Deep, Deeper & The Deepest


Playlist: Deep, Deeper & The Deepest

It’s Friday and it’s getting warm out there… We’ve been banging on about summer D&B a lot lately, but let’s not forget the meditative pull of proper slow, steady sub-soaked deep dubstep during this short-but-sweet sunny season.

Whether it’s the soulful vocal textures of Pinch’s Get Up, the mournful harmonies of Mala’s Changes, the deeper-than-Satre-down-a-well dynamics of Geode’s Lark Ascending or the sludgy mechanical murderation of Icicle’s Minimal Dub, there’s a perfect time and place for deep dubstep. And it’s now.

For added measure, it’s also DMZ’s 10th Birthday bash in London’s Brixton Electric. The genus of dubstep, no roots dig deeper. Happy birthday DMZ.

Dig deep. Then dig deeper again…

(Image: Angelo Bramanti and Giuseppe Siracusa. Source)

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