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<8 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Playlist: Tunes To Watch The Supermoon To


Playlist: Tunes To Watch The Supermoon To


Today the moon is the closest to the earth than it has been in 68 years and it won’t be this close again until November 25 2034. Technically called a perigee-syzygy, the moon’s perigee means it will be 30,000 miles closer to our planet than usual today and – clear sky permitting – should appear 30% brighter and 14% than usual moons tonight.

If it looks as cool as it sounds, it should be pretty dope. The best time to see it is around sunset tonight as the full moon rises, and here’s a recommended selection of sounds to complement your lunar experience. It’s an update on a space playlist we did a few years back. Featuring Noisia, The Prototypes, Fox Stevenson, Ownglow, Xilent, Virtual Riot, Lenzman, Tantrum Desire and loads more. Any excuse to go back over some classics and recent bangers, right?

Happy supermooning!


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