<11 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


The Story Behind The Song: Twofold – Skyfire


The Story Behind The Song: Twofold – Skyfire

Two Adams, two continents, one massive sound… Twofold have demonstrated some serious skills on the dubstep front over the last few years by way of releases on labels such as Firepower, Prime Audio and many more.

We called them up to see if there was any story behind All Around. Arguably their most melodic production to date, they’re giving their latest UKF upload away for free!

“We love the idea of free music,” says Adam Crewes-Meyer (the UK-based member of the Atlantic-spanning twosome) “We’ll probably do more in the future. Labels are a great vehicle to get our music out, but sometimes having it out instantly is much more exciting than waiting half a year to get it out there. But if you’re after a story, you’ve got the wrong tune. While I personally love the tune, doesn’t have the most prevalent story behind it. It was essentially the result of a really good jamming session.”

Not all of their tracks are based on jamming sessions, though. Skyfire, in particular, comes from a time when their current successes and high profile support weren’t even conceivable. Times, even, when Adam wouldn’t have minded if he’d died!

Read on for a startling tale told directly by Adam. Trust us: it will have you appreciating your good health and realising how things can quickly slip without any control of your own.

This will sound sensationalist but at points I hoped it would kill me. How can I continue living like this?

“This was initially made in the summer of 2012… Just before my health took a pretty bad turn with a stomach condition that was hard to diagnose.

All through the latter part of 2012 to the summer of 2013 I was trapped in a cycle of medication. 10 months of regular prescription codeine doses. This would leave me with no energy so then I’d be prescribed SSRI medication. But that would affect my sleep so then I’d be prescribed diazepams… Basically each problem the previous drug caused was treated by another drug!

As you can imagine I wasn’t in the best of places. I can’t remember too much about it except being depressed and nostalgic about the time before I was ill… I was healthy, happy and in college. My job in life was to sit on a picnic bench with my friends in the sun then go to lessons. It was a sudden contrast between that and being out of education and not being able to do anything. Everything was compared to the past.

It was a chance for me to put my story into words. It makes it even more surprising and emotional seeing Skyfire on UKF as I couldn’t possibly imagine that happening six or seven months ago.

This will sound sensationalist but at points I hoped it would kill me. How can I continue living like this? I love feeling sober, I don’t drink or anything like that. I enjoy control and clarity. So being like this, made me feel like I wasn’t a real person. There was no difference between the days – there was no story or journey to live. Every page was a blank.

At one point Adam reminded me of this tune and asked whether I’d take another look at it. I called my friend and singer Aveille Breen to come round and I wrote the lyrics. It was a chance for me to put my story into words. It makes it even more surprising and emotional seeing Skyfire on UKF as I couldn’t possibly imagine that happening six or seven months ago.

I’m pleased to say that I’m through it now. At first I was sceptical about acupuncture, but it has had a very positive impact. I’m not on codeine anymore and I’m in a much more positive place as a result. I have acupuncture once a week and the progress is baffling. I only went in desperation – I would try anything that might make a difference! It was slow process but I started reducing the codeine little by little. I don’t think I want to understand how it works… I’ll let the practitioner worry about the specifics!”

Stories behind songs really don’t come deeper or honest. Massive props to Adam Crewes-Meyer for sharing that with us.

No more past dwelling now… Future Twofold business appears brighter than ever with a Figure co-lab in the bag, a Skyfire remix package on Firepower and plenty more. Stay tuned for more Twofold treats.


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