<11 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Three Reasons Why Eptic Really IS A Boss!


Three Reasons Why Eptic Really IS A Boss!

Currently raising seven shades of bass hell on tour with Zomboy, Eptic continues to surprise, delight and entertain us. First and foremost as a shining light on Never Say Die’s ever-developing talent family, but also as a genuinely cool fellow. While some artists try to play it all mysterious and a bit moody, Eptic’s enthusiasm and humorous character exudes in all his art. Not least his recent release Space Cats…

“It’s weird,” he explains. “Space Cats is me trying to make a trap tune for the 1000th time but not working out so trying something different. It’s actually one of the first tracks where I didn’t think about a main theme or an idea. I just sat down and let it flow out. It only took me four days. It was really nice. I over complicate things too much.”

To give you an idea of how this compares to his usual workflow… Other tracks can be work-in-progress for over a month before reaching completion.

“I’m just really slow at getting things done,” he laughs. “I end up listening to something too much and not knowing what direction to take it. I’ll admit it’s very unproductive… I end up watching funny movies and distracting myself.”

Examples of such distraction can be found in the first of our three reasons why Eptic really is a boss. Get to know…

He trolls his cat on the regular

As revealed on Your EDM last month with a cute pic of him happily curled up in a McDonalds take-out bag, it seems his cat Pawl is happy to be be the butt of a little cheeky Eptic humour. In fact he quite seems to enjoy it…

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“I love taking random things and putting him in them,” grins Eptic. “Just because I can! He’s so chilled out. I can throw him in the air, he does a 180 flip and I’ll catch him again. He never moans or resists, I think he likes it. A few weeks ago I put him in some clothes. It was too funny!”

He’s a seriously talented illustrator

Cat pranks aside, Eptic is just as skillish with his pens as he is his productions. Even though he’s constantly touring the world and at the mercy of a strict release schedule, he’s currently studying illustration in college and spends much of his time in-transit penning mad pictures like this…

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“A month after I started college the music thing really took off,” he admits. “So I started juggling the two. When I’m not making music I’m making really silly stupid drawings. To be honest I just don’t sleep! I don’t know how I do it. But things just seem to work out in some sort of way. It’s actually a weird phenomenon… When I’m in school I get loads of ideas for music and whenever I’m making music I get loads of ideas for illustrations and stuff. It seems to work out in a strange way! Space Cats actually came about through my drawings… When I was last on the road I made 10 pages of cats in space. The tune was so weird and I didn’t know what to call it so I thought ‘fuck it, let’s call it Space Cats!’”

The first record he bought was Original Sin – D For Danger

Think Eptic was initially influenced by the long-standing dubstep champions? Think again. THIS is where his where his hype-heaved bass antics take root…

“I was really into drum & bass when I first got into electronic music,” Eptic gushes. “To the point when dubstep came along I didn’t like it! It’s the classical tale… I thought it was boring then Rusko and Caspa and all those guys came along and the jump up side of dubstep really appealed to me. From that I eventually started digging the older stuff. But to begin with dubstep sounded too slow and boring.

“Since I got catapulted into the electronic music world I became more open to different styles and genres but I used to be very purist in my selections. Before I got into drum & bass I only listened to heavy rock and metal bands. I’d be like ‘oh electronic music sucks… It has no real instruments!’ You know the story…”

Eptic we salute you!

Stay tuned for future productions from Eptic including a collaboration EP with none other than Datsik. Catch Eptic on tour with Zomboy.

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