<10 years ago>

Robin Murray


Three Things You Didn’t Know About: Rene LaVice


Three Things You Didn’t Know About: Rene LaVice

Currently in the midst of an epic worldwide tour, we caught up with RAM’s Canadian import Rene LaVice to ask for three things people might not know about him.

But first, some exciting news about his forthcoming album, which is set to drop at some point this year.

“I’m going with a completely different vibe to Insidious,” he explains. “There’s going be some stuff that people will associate me with like grimy basslines and heavy beats, but I’m gonna step into some new territory too; I’m pushing the boundaries of what emotions and ideas can be pushed forward in drum & bass. It’ll be really interesting to see what reception it gets.”

Boundary-pushing emotional business: we’re sold on that description. Here are three things you might not have known about Rene LaVice while we wait for the album to drop…

He used to crowd surf competitively 

“I guess it’s a pretty random thing to do but I used to love crowd surfing, and still do. I came second in the All City Championships back in Toronto, so I guess I’m pretty good at it. I’ll have a surf every now and then when I’m DJing – I did a pretty good one at Detonate in Leeds a few weeks ago. In fact, the only reason I got music was so that I could crowd surf more.

I’m out of shape at the moment so should probably get back in the gym before embarking on my next crowd surf…”

He’s a big Prozzak head

“A lot of people seem to think I’m a fan of The Backstreet Boys and ‘N Sync, but I’m not. However, I am a huge fan of Prozzak, who are a weird comedy duo from Canada who put on fake English accents and make cartoons to go with their songs. If anybody wants to go to a Prozzak concert I’m more than happy to join you, although I don’t think they have many fans…

It’s just really fucking cheesy music which is stupid as hell and the fact I find their songs hilarious probably says a lot about my sense of humour. I’ve never sampled them but I’m definitely keen to get a collaboration on the go…”


His first skateboard was found in the trash…

“I love skateboarding and have done it for ages; it’s probably my second favourite hobby after DJing. My first skateboard was a little yellow banana shaped board made out of fibreglass with roller-skates on it which my dad found in the garbage and gave to me as a gift. It was one of the first presents I ever received and one of my earliest memories. I never use it to skate with because I’m too worried about breaking it, so I just hang it on my wall instead.”

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