<7 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Voting is open in the Drum&BassArena Awards 2018


Voting is open in the Drum&BassArena Awards 2018

The Drum&BassArena Awards are officially open. The first round of voting has commenced, and you have until October 29 to pledge your support.

Celebrating the awards 10th anniversary, Drum&BassArena announced last week that this year’s awards and event will be done a little differently to previous years and that more will be revealed next month during the second round of voting.

For now though it’s business as usual as the first round of the voting process has commenced. As always, it’s 100 percent publicly voted, and the categories are as follows: Best DJ, Best Producer, Best MC, Best Track, Best Album, Best Label, Best Remix, Best Festival, Best Club Night, Best New Label, Best Newcomer, Best Video.

You can vote here and can amend your choices at any point before the October 29 deadline. The 10 nominees and more details about the new awards concept will be revealed next month when the second round of voting kicks off.

Can’t remember what’s happened this year? Visit UKF Drum & Bass and refresh that lovely memory of yours.

Vote here

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