<9 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Watch: Skrillex & Moody Good behind the scenes during Transformers 4


Watch: Skrillex & Moody Good behind the scenes during Transformers 4

Just as huge big screen score composers such as Hans Zimmer have influenced many of our favourites producers… These producers are, in turn, influencing the big screen.

This is no new thing, especially within bass circles with artists such as Photek and Baron becoming so successful in this field their dance productions took a back seat.

Here’s more proof from a behind the scenes video of Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction. The video (unearthed by YourEDM over the weekend) is well over a year old but the content is still a minefield of nerdy coolness as Michael Bay sheds lights on many of the technical aspects of the movie. Many would argue it’s much more riveting than the movie itself.

If you haven’t got 22 minutes to spare jump straight to the 13.30 minute mark and see how Skrillex and Moody Good provided the movie’s composer Stephen Jablonsky with an entire library of his signature designs that we used throughout the film.

“I’m a huge Skrillex fan because he makes noises like I’ve never heard before,” states Jablonsky. “He kinda just moved into my studio for a week! We talked, we looked at scenes, he made sound effects for the robots moving…”

Here’s the result. Watch the whole thing if you’ve got time, it’s a fantastic insight into movie production.

Source: YourEDM



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