<8 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


12th Planet Joins Disciple!


12th Planet Joins Disciple!

On Monday the whole Disciple label family instigated a social media blackout. Some fans thought they’d been hacked. Some fans got spooked out. Some thought they were being plain weird.

On Wednesday Disciple triggered conspiracies with this video. Once again, uploaded en mass among the whole label roster.

Today they can finally confirm the news: 12th Planet, one of US dubstep’s founding OGs, has joined Myro and Dodge’s Disciple. He headlines a gold run of recent signings that includes Truth, The Others, Oolacile and PhaseOne and represents a whole new level for the Bristol-to-LA label that launched just four years ago. We called them up for clarification…

“Yes, I am on Disciple now!” declares 12th Planet. “I think what really made an impression on me was the sense of all for one and one for all I felt amongst the crew. I’ve known and worked on many records with label head Dodge and am friends with everyone on the label, not to mention they all live down the street from me. When they first approached me with the idea many months ago, I was a bit hesitant because I have only ever really put out records on my own imprint but when it comes to putting out dubstep records in today’s landscape and getting them heard, they are second to none.”

“This is a huge deal for us all at the Disciple family,” agrees Myro. “A real honour and privilege. Not many people understand what 12th Planet did for dubstep in the US by throwing parties, releasing records and promoting the sound here in Los Angeles, 2006. He was one of the first people in America to say ‘Hey, I dunno what this dubstep thing is but I love the sound of it and I’m going all in’. At the time as I understand it he was living a pretty successful life as a Drum and Bass producer/DJ so to jump ship and help pioneer the dubstep scene in America at that particular time took some balls… But he did it and 11 years later shows no signs of slowing down. John inspired, built a platform and paved the way for a lot of the greatest dubstep producers around today and it’s for that very reason that a lot of us have jobs doing what we love to do. Disciple isn’t slowing down any time soon either… We’re only going from strength to strength and this alliance isn’t going to take things to a whole new level for all of us.”

What comes, next, however, remains a mystery. All they state is this: “We’re not done with the surprises! There might be some new music coming sooner than you think…”

Keep your beady eyes on those pages: Disciple / 12th Planet  

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