<8 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


In The Kitchen: InsideInfo’s Shredded Roast Chicken Noodles


In The Kitchen: InsideInfo’s Shredded Roast Chicken Noodles

It’s been a long time since we were able to randomly pilfer a recipe off a DJ but when InsideInfo and Miss Trouble returned with Revolution, a follow-up to 2014’s massive Metamorphosis, we knew we had golden opportunity.

Last time we interviewed him he told us when he wasn’t deep in the studio he was deep in the kitchen. Another time we talked to him he accused Mefjus of being 80% schnitzel which kinda suggests food is always on his mind.

With Revolution spinning us into oblivion this season (complete with its nicely moody intro and Miss Trouble’s voice being used with loopy funk) we sent InsideInfo a bunch of questions and squeezed him for a recipe. He came back with shredded roast chicken noodles. If he shreds chicken as well as he shreds the speakers then we’re in for a tasty treat.

Two years since Metamorphosis… What took you both so long?

Err…I’m slow…But I wanted to come with something that stood apart from Metamorphosis, with a different feel and it felt like the time was right to strike again. Metamorphosis worked so well, it made sense to keep the ball rolling.

Not to downplay Metamorphosis in any way whatsoever, Revolution musically utilises Miss Troubles sharp tongue in a much more natural and unique way. Like the word ‘revolution’ is actually a rhythmic element.

I just love building rhythms and funk around vocals, and it’s such a dream working with her voice because everything just sits in the right place. I built the entire track around the vocal loop of the word ‘revolution’ and tried to get the bass to mimic rhythmically what the vocal was doing. I’ve been focusing on giving each track a solid meaning or theme rather than just a standard box ticking track with no real definition, it excites me more, but it takes longer to develop.

I like the unhurried nature of the intro. It’s a bit old school in its length and refusal to hurtle straight into the drop.

For the intro I wanted to build a slower section to ride underneath Miss Trouble’s verse to let her vocal guide the rhythm. I wanted it to have that deeper old school Tricky / Portishead feel – dirty, with character and grit. Then I wanted the drop to keep revolving and building momentum to a second livelier section in-between the loops, so it feels like the track is always building up to something.

 We’re going to blag a recipe from you. Because we can. Are you still on a keen kitchen flex to counter the heavy studio sessions?

Yes absolutely, although sometimes I just don’t get time to cook properly from scratch so oven chips it is!

If Revolution was a main course, what would it be?

A Tandoori mixed grill, lots of different meat to get your teeth in to with lots of flavour!

If Metamorphosis was the starter course, what would it be?

Err… Butterfly soup? Or maybe one of those Witchety grubs…ewww.

What have you and Miss T got cooking for pudding, then?

Full fat chocolate cheesecake!

Now time for the recipe….

Ok, well I love making noodles so I’ll give you a recipe I’ve kinda made up over the years pulled from various different recipes… Shredded Roast Chicken Noodles. Nice and Simple.

InsideInfo’s Shredded Roast Chicken Noodles

For the Roast Chicken:

1 whole chicken

5 spice powder

2 or 3 Garlic Cloves

Light soy sauce



For the Noodles:

Dry Egg Noodles

Light Soy Sauce

Groundnut Oil

Chopped Garlic and Ginger

Teaspoon Chicken Powder (you can buy from Asian Supermarket)

Teaspoon Oyster sauce

Sesame oil

Teaspoon Sugar


Ground White Pepper

Choice of Veg (beansprouts etc)



Rub the butter over the Chicken, then sprinkle and coat it with 5 Spice Powder and Soy Sauce.  Peel and Crush the Garlic and put it inside it.  Roast the chicken in the oven like you would roast any normal chicken, basting every so often to cover it in all the flavours.

Once the chicken is roasted pull it out the oven and let it rest for a while, Then pour all the juices and fat from it into a small bowl and let the fat rise to the top and the meaty juices sink to the bottom. We are going to use the fat to fry the noodles with and the juices to add flavour.

Boil the noodles up as per the pack instructions and when they are finished, drain the water from them and cover them with a couple of glugs of sesame oil.

Shred all the meat from the chicken with a fork and set aside. Discard the Skin (or eat it, cos it’s the best bit)

Add a glug of groundnut oil and a teaspoon of the chicken fat to a wok and heat on a high heat. Once the oil is hot, chuck in the chopped garlic and ginger, fry for a minute.

Add beansprouts and any veg and cook for 2 mins.

Add the noodles, Soy Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Chicken Powder, Sugar and the juices from the roasted chicken. Give it all a good stir and fry for a minute or 2, then Add the shredded Chicken.

Fry it up for a couple of minutes more and Sprinkle a small amount of ground white pepper for a bit of heat.

Turn off the heat when all the flavours have combined and it’s nice and hot and enjoy!

Catch InsideInfo when we return to Motion Bristol this Friday alongside a heavyweight line-up. Tickets available here.

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