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<11 years ago>

Robin Murray


“I saved a pig’s life… Then ate it!” BCee Thinks Twice


“I saved a pig’s life… Then ate it!” BCee Thinks Twice

BCee is a true stalwart of drum & bass. Back in 2005, he created Spearhead Records, which has since harboured the talents of Hybrid Minds, Total Science and LSB to name just a few. And with a number of big releases of his own under his belt, his talent is clear for all to see.

In his own words, BCee is a man who “doesn’t live the normal drum & bass lifestyle”. Aside from being the boss of aptly named Spearhead Records, he has been the deputy headmaster of a school, is a dad of two and also owns a smallholding consisting of goats, pigs, chickens and a turkey. We’re pretty certain most other drum & bass DJs don’t have this on their CVs.

With the title of his latest release in mind, we asked BCee for five moments in his life that have made him think twice.


BCee had to think twice before… giving mouth to mouth resuscitation to a pig.

It was a strange experience but hey, give me credit, I saved the pig’s life.

“My wife and I own a smallholding with a few pigs and goats on it. One morning I went off to check our sow as she was due to give birth. When I arrived she had already given birth to 7 piglets but the eighth one was clearly struggling; it was covered in afterbirth and looked pretty much dead – I knew I had to do something drastic to save it.

So, I stuck my fingers in its mouth, pulled out all the crap, and then, weirdly, started giving it mouth to mouth to try and resuscitate it! It was a strange experience but hey, give me credit, I saved the pig’s life. But yeah, I definitely had to think twice before making out with a pig.”

pig dlivered

BCee had to think twice before… killing that pig.

I’m starting to get a reputation in the drum & bass underground for my exceptional meat products

“Apparently you’re not supposed to get too attached to your animals, but after 6 months of having this pig after saving its life I started to develop a real bond with it… so it’s a shame I had to kill it, really.

I’m not cruel, honest, I did have to think twice about killing it… butchering it… and then eating it, but there’s no denying it was absolutely delicious. In fact, I’m starting to get a reputation in the drum & bass underground for my exceptional meat products, but I don’t want too many people knowing about that…”

 BCee had to think twice before… starting Spearhead

It was only by chance that Spearhead is a drum & bass label, really.

“It was always my passion to start a record label, even more so than producing music. When I first started producing music it was mainly house & garage, so I assumed the label would feature that kind of music.

It was only by chance that Spearhead is a drum & bass label, really. It was all down to John B; he signed one of Kubiks’  tracks, who was my partner in setting up my first label and that signing was the first sign that people in the drum & bass scene were starting to take note of our music.

It was a tough decision to have the balls and leave Rubik and take Spearhead on despite not really knowing anything about how to run a label, and I definitely had to think twice before doing so, but yeah, it’s gone pretty well since then. I’d encourage people not to think twice before doing something – you can worry too much otherwise.”

BCee had to think twice before… expelling pupils

I became a dad figure because I spent every day with them, which meant we developed a really great relationship.

“The school I used to be deputy headmaster at was a school for kids with special educational needs.  This meant that a lot of them really messed about.  They had had enough of the education system and our job was to re-engage them in an alternative environment.

I became a dad figure because I spent every day with them, which meant we developed a really great relationship. This was good but there were some kids who messed about so much that we had no other option but to expel them. Each time this had to be done I definitely had to think twice about doing it, mainly because I knew that if they couldn’t survive in our school, they were unlikely to survive in another school. It was always a tough decision and always one that made me think twice.”

BCee had to think twice before… wearing a purple tracksuit.

 I’d never wear it when I’m DJing, that’s for sure…

“I accidentally made myself a tradition of buying a garish tracksuit every time I go on holiday. On one particular holiday in Italy, I bought the most outrageous purple tracksuit you could ever imagine on a whim – and to be honest, I really had to think twice before wearing it out in public.

Wearing the top half or the bottom half on their own is just about acceptable, but the whole ensemble together, is pretty ridiculous! I’d never wear it when I’m DJing, that’s for sure…

I play volleyball every Monday, and now if I don’t turn up to it in my disgusting purple tracksuit I get stick for not wearing it – surely it should be the other way around!?”





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